All About Arthritis


More than 5 million Canadians suffer from arthritis and nearly all Canadians over the age of 50 show varying degrees of Arthritis symptoms. Arthritis comes from the Greek words “anthro” meaning joint, and “itis” meaning inflammation. There are many signs of the joint disorder that many people tend to overlook.

Types of Arthritis

The most common form is Osteoarthritis. It involves the breakdown of cartilage and bone at the joint, causing joint stiffness, pain, crackling, enlargement and possible inflammation. There are also autoimmune diseases that cause different forms of arthritis where the immune system attacks the body’s own tissue in the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is the most common form and its symptoms range from inflammation in one or many joints, to inflammation spreading to the muscles, tendons and ligaments, internal organs, and even the skin. Women are 3 times more likely to develop Rheumatoid.

Arthritis Warning Signs:

  • Joint pain occurring during or after activity
  • Joint stiffness and reduced mobility
  • Red, swollen or warm skin around the joints
  • Joint pain occurring during periods of inactivity

Osteoarthritis of the spine is preventable with proper exercise, nutrition and chiropractic care. “63% of Arthritis sufferers use complimentary and alternative forms of care. In a recent study, 73% of participants found Chiropractic care helpful. Chiropractic ranked among the highest in terms of patient satisfaction for pain control.” (Use of Complimentary Therapies for Arthritis Among Patients of Rheumatologists. An Intern Medicine 1999; 131:409-16.)

Chiropractic Care & Arthritis

Your nervous system – brain, spinal cord and nerves – controls every function that your body performs to keep you healthy. It is the master control system for your body, and it governs your overall health. Physical and emotional stress causes misalignment of the bones in your back, which can interfere with your nervous system and prevent your body from functioning properly. This can lead to pain, poor health and arthritis.

Gentle chiropractic care realigns back bones and removes any nerve interference that may be contributing to the disorder. Chiropractic care allows your spine and nervous system to function at its best ability again, thus correcting arthritis and restoring you to your optimal health potential.

Let’s Connect

M&Y Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre offers a wide range of services and treatments and because we work together as a team with you, your goals are well within your reach. We can ease your stress and help you succeed.

M&Y Chiropractic is a multi-disciplinary wellness centre. We focus on improving the health and wellness of everyone within our community of Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas. You are not alone; we are all here to help you in any way we can.

Just ask – call anytime  905 898-6644!