It’s allergy season and a lot of people are getting stuffed up.


Allergy season is upon us and many are looking for ways to decrease their symptoms. Did you know that reducing your dairy intake has been shown to alleviate some allergy symptoms? In this blog we will be discussing how reducing or even eliminating your dairy intake can help clear your sinuses. Overall, this can help reduce your allergy symptoms! 


Do you suffer from allergies?

Do you have difficulty breathing through your nose?

Do you have postnasal drip (mucous in the back of your throat)?

Do you snore or breathe through your mouth when you sleep?


You may just need to avoid Dairy Products in order to remedy the situation.


How long do you need to totally avoid dairy to see if it makes a difference in your allergies?

  • 6 weeks


Which Dairy products do you need to avoid?

  • Cow Milk, Cream, AND Lactose-free Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt


What are you allowed?

  • Butter
  • Feta or goat cheese once per week.
  • Buffalo Dairy Products
  • Alternative milks creams and creamers made from coconut or nuts


What are the benefits of clearing your sinuses?

  • Dental (gum and tooth) health when mouth stays closed and moist as you sleep.
  • RESTFUL AND DEEP SLEEP for those who breathe through their nose.
  • Fresh smelling breath.
  • Breathing through the nose helps you to avoid getting sick.


What if this doesn’t work?

It’s definitely worth a try as dairy avoidance remedies the situation for many people with allergies.  If you give it an honest try and it doesn’t work, then consider consulting Dr. Gudrun M. Welder, Naturopathic Doctor (416-993-8527) You can contact us to book your appointment here! 


Inflammation has a vital role in our body, and is actually a normal, healthy function of our immune system. Acutely, it indicates the process of our body protecting itself against a stress or trauma, or the fighting of foreign ‘invaders’, like a virus or bacteria, to the body. As our body mounts a response to these stresses, it brings nourishment (e.g. increased blood flow) and immune system activity to the site of infection or injury to help it heal. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, occurs when the body’s natural response to injury or infection (the sending of immune cells to affected areas) never “shuts off.”

Examples of health issues linked to chronic inflammation include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Migraine headaches
  • Asthma, and
  • Autoimmune conditions like Lupus

How Can Alternative Therapies Help with Inflammation?

Reflexology and Inflammation

Reflexology is a gentle yet powerful treatment that involves stimulating reflex points on your head, hands and feet creating a healing response elsewhere in your body. It is gentle and relaxing, “like an internal massage”.

Reflexology supports the central nervous system

The adrenal glands play an important role in any inflammatory conditions by producing adrenaline and glucocorticoids, the most abundant being Cortisol, one of the stress hormones (purchased as Hydrocortisone).  By using specific reflexology techniques on the adrenal gland reflex, a completely natural, but potent anti-inflammatory response is triggered.

Regular reflexology sessions help keep joints lubricated, detoxed and full of circulation.

Reflexology can help break down uric acid and lactic acid that can store in the joints causing pain and inflammation. Removing these toxins from the joints and from the body will have a positive effect on your metabolic rate and the mobility of the joints in your hands and feet.

Reflexology can improve circulation of the blood and the lymph.

It is very helpful in bringing blood flow to the hands and feet. Improving the circulation in the body helps to remove the toxins that get broken up and helps them to flush out of the body. Getting rid of these toxins is key to improving the symptoms associated with, for example, arthritis.

Reflexology works on balancing all the body’s organs and glands, which encourages the immune system to function normally.

Some forms of inflammation are due to autoimmune conditions; this happens when the body starts to attack itself.

Liver and kidney reflexes

In addition to dietary changes to relieve your symptoms, having your liver and kidney reflexes worked on will also help speed things up.

Interested in learning more about the benefits and applications of reflexology? Book a consultation with me, our Alternative Medicine specialist.

  • Amanda Williams, C.N.H.P., C.R.H.P., Reiki Master