It’s allergy season and a lot of people are getting stuffed up.


Allergy season is upon us and many are looking for ways to decrease their symptoms. Did you know that reducing your dairy intake has been shown to alleviate some allergy symptoms? In this blog we will be discussing how reducing or even eliminating your dairy intake can help clear your sinuses. Overall, this can help reduce your allergy symptoms! 


Do you suffer from allergies?

Do you have difficulty breathing through your nose?

Do you have postnasal drip (mucous in the back of your throat)?

Do you snore or breathe through your mouth when you sleep?


You may just need to avoid Dairy Products in order to remedy the situation.


How long do you need to totally avoid dairy to see if it makes a difference in your allergies?

  • 6 weeks


Which Dairy products do you need to avoid?

  • Cow Milk, Cream, AND Lactose-free Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt


What are you allowed?

  • Butter
  • Feta or goat cheese once per week.
  • Buffalo Dairy Products
  • Alternative milks creams and creamers made from coconut or nuts


What are the benefits of clearing your sinuses?

  • Dental (gum and tooth) health when mouth stays closed and moist as you sleep.
  • RESTFUL AND DEEP SLEEP for those who breathe through their nose.
  • Fresh smelling breath.
  • Breathing through the nose helps you to avoid getting sick.


What if this doesn’t work?

It’s definitely worth a try as dairy avoidance remedies the situation for many people with allergies.  If you give it an honest try and it doesn’t work, then consider consulting Dr. Gudrun M. Welder, Naturopathic Doctor (416-993-8527) You can contact us to book your appointment here! 


Lockdowns may decrease the spread of Covid-19, but they take their toll on both physical and mental health. We have been in this restricted lifestyle, out of normal routines for over a year now. The mental fatigue is more present than we may be aware or acknowledge. Getting back to routine and regular exercise is key and will benefit both your physical and mental health.

Movement is the key to maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Take regular breaks from work and go for a 15-30 minute walk every day. Fresh air, a change in scenery, a change in posture position from sitting to standing and the movement while walking will benefit your:

  1. BRAIN: Increased exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, decreases stress and releases endorphins resulting in improved mood, lowering depression and slowing down cognitive decline as we age.


  1. BONES: Walking, like other weight bearing activities will increase bone density.


  1. MUSCLES: Walking strengthens your leg and abdominal muscles – and even arm muscles if you pump them as you walk.


  1. JOINTS: The movement when walking increases the circulation of synovial fluid around the joints increasing lubrication and nutrients to the cartilage.


  1. HEART: Regular exercise strengthens your heart muscle and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Image courtesy of Mayo Clinic

It is important to maintain a strong immune system to fight off all sorts of germs, bacteria, and viruses. We have come up with 8 healthy ways to strengthen your immune system:

Healthy Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

  1. Don’t smoke
  2. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Maintain a healthy weight
  5. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation
  6. Get adequate sleep
  7. Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly
  8. Minimize stress

Is Coronavirus the Next Threat?

Coronavirus…the next threat? Let’s keep things in perspective. Viruses are constantly mutating (SARS, H1N1, Ebola virus, Bird flu).

How do we fight these viruses?

A healthy immune system is the key. Make sure you get the right amount of sleep, manage your stress properly, and take your supplements as they will pay dividends for your health and wellbeing.

Ronald Pero, Ph.D. Chief of Cancer Prevention Research at New York’s Preventative Medicine Institute, doing cancer research found that:

  • Measuring 107 individuals who had received long-term chiropractic care, Pero’s team turned up some surprising findings. All chiropractic patients were “genetically normal” that is, they had no obvious genetic reasons for increased resistance of susceptibility to disease.
  • The chiropractic patients also had a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic. They also had 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or other serious diseases. The immune competence did not show any decline with age – it was uniform for the entire group. Pero concluded that “Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have” so that you can full resist serious disease.

M&Y Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre offers a wide range of services and treatments and because we work together as a team with you, your goals are well within your reach. We can ease your stress and help you succeed.

M&Y Chiropractic is a multi-disciplinary wellness centre. We focus on improving the health and wellness of everyone within our community of Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas.You are not alone; we are all here to help you in any way we can. Just ask!

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you suffer from fatigue and lack of energy to play with your children or go out and socialize? Are you catching every cold and flu going around this winter? For many of us, the cold and long hours of darkness associated with the winter months have such a profound effect on our moods and energy that it makes us want to hibernate like bears. Many of us refer to this as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Along with seasonal changes, lifestyle habits and stress can affect both the mind and the body causing more than just anxiety and depression. Although research shows that 5% – 10% of us suffer dramatically from Seasonal Affective Disorder, approximately 90% of us are believed to suffer regularly from similar symptoms. These symptoms are prevalent during the periods of limited sunshine, beginning in the autumn and are especially prevalent during the winter months, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

What is SAD and How do I Know I Have it?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can affect appetite and energy level, cause fatigue, and result in a lack of desire for social interaction. In other words, it causes us to feel tired, depressed and/or irritable and causes us to pack on the extra winter pudge. Professionals have linked SAD to a deficiency of serotonin. A gland in the brain releases serotonin, which in turn promotes:

  • Restful sleep
  • Makes us feel happier
  • Helps us cope with pain
  • Battles depression

How Can SAD be Treated

In the treatment of SAD, medical doctors commonly prescribe drugs which prevent the breakdown of serotonin in the brain. However, there are many naturopathic and chiropractic treatment options available. These are just as effective and do not have the potential side effects.

5-hydroxytrytophan is a building block of serotonin and therefore helps replenish our brain and alleviate feelings of fatigue and depression. This, along with the herb of St. John’s Wort, which also effects serotonin levels, have been proven to be as effective in treating SAD as commonly prescribed medications.

How a Naturopath Can Help

The foods we eat are of great importance. Maintaining a diet that is high in deep sea fish oils and low in processed or packaged foods has been proven to help prevent and treat the symptoms of SAD. A licensed and qualified naturopathic doctor can not only help you safely incorporate these changes into your lifestyle, but can recommend various other natural therapies (such as acupuncture, vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathy, exercise, etc.) which can help improve fatigue, help you lose weight, and improve your moods.

The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism for protecting itself against foreign substances. SAD can cause a breakdown in the immune system and inhibit your ability to fight off disease.

How A Chiropractor Can Help

According to Ronald Pero Ph. D, co-founder and Chief of Cancer Prevention Research at New York’s Prevention Medicine Institute, “Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have so that you can fully resist serious disease.” A properly aligned spine allows the nervous system to function at its optimum level. This can be achieved through Chiropractic adjustments. A healthy body and mind provides an opportunity to achieve optimal health, allowing the body’s own innate intelligence to provide whatever it needs to heal itself.

Visit our Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Gudrun, to help you safely incorporate natural therapies like acupuncture, vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathy, exercise and more into your lifestyle. You can also book an appointment with our Chiropractor, Dr. Darren Poncelet, for a chiropractic adjustment to ensure your nervous system is functioning at optimal level.

M&Y Chiropractic is a multi-disciplinary wellness centre. We focus on improving the health and wellness of everyone within our community of Newmarket, Aurora and surrounding areas. You are not alone; we are all here to help you in any way we can. Just ask!


Many doctors are beginning to question whether women’s reliance on sleeping pills is a better option than sleep deprivation.

Dr. Danielle Martin, family physician and vice-president of medical affairs at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, is less likely to write a prescription for a sleeping pill than to suggest changing coping skills. She believes long-term changes like meditation, mindfulness training, avoiding caffeine in the afternoon and finding time to exercise are more effective long-term solutions than sleeping pills.

The Side Effects of Sleeping Pills

Dr. Martin will write a short-term prescription for someone who is dealing with a circumstance that has a fixed amount of time. She will not write a prescription for women with sleep problems due to life circumstances that are not going to change anytime soon. She reminds women that sleeping pills are potentially addictive substances, with strong side effects. With repeated use, patients will develop a tolerance and require more to achieve the same effect. With greater doses, the side effects will also be greater, and these can include daytime sedation, confusion or drowsiness.

How a Naturopathic Doctor Can Help

Naturopathic medicine is a great option for women who have sleeping problems due to everyday challenges. There are common nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances that can cause sleeplessness and are often overlooked. A naturopath will take into consideration many systems of the body in order to properly assess where an individual’s deeper cause for sleeplessness is. Naturopaths will often look at processes in a woman’s immune system nervous system, and metabolic systems in order to suggest certain natural substances or lifestyle changes.

What is Causing Your Sleeplessness?

There are some common signs that can help you to distinguish what may be causing your sleeplessness.

  1. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormone Imbalance may be the cause of your sleeplessness if your energy is low in the afternoon but picks up around 9-10 pm and you are unable to sleep.

  1. Your Nervous System

Your nervous system may need to be addressed if you are awake in the middle of the night with worrisome thoughts running through your head.

  1. Improper Blood Sugar Balance

Improper blood sugar balance may be causing you to wake up if you  sleep soundly for the first half of the night then wake up  a few hours before your alarm goes off.

Naturopath’s prescription for sleeplessness will typically produce far less concerning side effects than sleeping pills and result in effective and longer lasting results.

Overusing sleeping pills can be avoided. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or come in to see our Naturopath Dr. Gudrun.

Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (commonly known as GERD) has been linked to the overuse of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers. The Journal of the American Medical Association has recently published studies showing unfavorable side effects from long term use of these medications such as Losec, Omeprazole, Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid and Tagamet.

There is growing concern also among well respected Physicians and Scientists regarding the overuse of these medications. The concern is rooted in studies showing a connection between long term use of these medications and Dementia, Kidney disease, Osteoporosis and unfavorable intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

We need stomach acid in our stomach to properly break down food so that we can absorb needed nutrients that support our organs, brain and bones. These medications shut down acid production in our stomach. It makes sense that down stream over time our bodies will take the hit.

Are There Alternatives to These Medications?

Yes, there are alternatives to these medications. I have witnessed many patients who are able to stop taking PPI’s or H2 blockers and successfully treat their GERD or Heartburn.

 How Can You Avoid These Medications?

  1. See a Doctor First

Properly assess what is happening in your digestive tract. Your GERD/ Heartburn could be due to a structural condition (ie, hiatal hernia) that could be adjusted using many different techniques. I personally see a lot of success using a palpation technique I can perform on my patients and teach them to do. It is less likely that it is due to an actual over production of acid and this can also be assessed by a Naturopath.

  1. Alter Your Diet

Avoid foods that could be triggering the immune system to create the problem. The foods I see most often cause heart burn in order of importance are gluten, other grains, dairy, night shades and caffeine.

  1. Use Healthy Supplements

Use a supplement such as DGL to coat the lining of the digestive tract and address the uncomfortable burning.

  1. Enzymes

Take enzymes to help your stomach break down difficult foods that cause the symptoms.

  1. Probiotics

Take a probiotic to help balance any microbial imbalance that could be causing the issue.

There are many things to consider, such as H. Pylori infection, when looking at the causes and treatments. I recommend finding a licensed Naturopath to help you thoroughly look at your personal condition. If you are willing to do the work, stay committed and make the necessary changes, over time it is relatively easy to address your symptoms without medication. The many benefits of proper digestion far outweigh any difficulty in lifestyle modifications. There are benefits you experience by addressing the Heartburn/ GERD condition you may not be aware of such as:

  • Increased energy
  • Decreased joint and muscle pain
  • Decreased shortness of breath
  • Reduced bloating and gas
  • Better sleep
  • Less anxiety
  • Weight loss

The overuse of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers can be avoided. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or come in to see our Chiropractor Dr. Darren Poncelet.

Three years ago, I turned 50. It is just a number. I don’t “feel” 50, yet my mind has a difficult time grasping that concept. It seems like just yesterday that I graduated from Chiropractic school (26 years ago), got married and now our children are young adults in high school and University. Soon they will be leaving home and going off to fulfill their dreams with lots of energy. Through all this, I think the most difficult part is watching my parents grow old.

Our parents’ generation worked hard, really hard. We grew up on a farm in the prairies. My Dad quit school in grade 8 to farm and my Mom was a country school teacher; she taught all 12 grades at once in the middle of nowhere. Who they are now is very different from when I was growing up. Time has taken its toll on their mind and body.  Work on the farm was 7 days a week which accounts for healthy internal organs, but it’s the osteoarthritis that becomes the debilitating factor creating relentless pain. For some reason, as with many other elderly people, dementia has entered their lives. At times, I don’t think it is as much of a problem for them as it is for me seeing them struggle with it. In truth, I wonder if it is God’s way of allowing the elderly to forget their aches and pains – the physical pain and the mental pain of seeing their friends and family members pass away.

Tips for Managing the Burdens & Blessings of the Sandwich Generation

So here I am now a part of the “Sandwich” generation looking after my kids and my parents. It is not easy, yet I can’t see it being any other way. It’s a calling I can’t ignore. Maybe because I am the eldest son or just simply that is how I am wired.

In doing this for the past 9 years, or longer as it is all blending together, I have realized that there are some fundamental things that help get through this.


People that have hobbies tend to get through the day better than those that don’t. My parents, in their 80’s, don’t have hobbies. Their whole life revolved around the farm. Their passion was the farm; they created their own world. Hobbies allow the mind to escape and balance stress. I have always said “in life have a hobby, if you don’t have a hobby then find one”.  For the people looking after their parents, make sure you are allowing yourself time to do your own hobby as it helps clear your mind to be a better person in making decisions and dealing with your parents on a daily basis.

Take a Break

It’s okay to take a break, holiday or time away from dealing with your aging parents GUILT FREE. Easier said than done. I struggle with it each and every single time, after I come back, I realize how much I needed to do that to preserve myself.

Talk to Others

Speak with others and ask for help. It is amazing how much I have learned when chatting with other people in the same situation. Little bits of information can make things much easier or open up possibilities that you would not have seen yourself.

Speak Up

Speak up and push back. When dealing with 3rd party people, whether government funded like CCAC or private Personal Support Worker (PSW) companies, make the situation work for you and most importantly for your parents. The focus is for the betterment of the elderly, not the CCAC coordinator, not the PSW, not the scheduler of the PSW company. If it is not working, find a different PSW and company if required. Be an advocate at the hospital and doctor’s office.

Take Care of Yourself

Look after yourself. You can’t be a spouse, parent and care giver without being healthy yourself.

Get Support

There is a new caregiver helpline through the Ontario Caregiver Organization 1-833-416-2273 to talk to someone for advice and support or visit their website at

If you have questions about your overall health and wellness, you can call our clinic and speak to us or contact us.

– Dr. Darren Poncelet

Is There Really a Diet Soda Epidemic?

Many North Americans are trying to reduce calories by choosing diet pop with their meal. Is it a healthy choice, or are the effects to sidestep extra calories harming us rather than helping us? In a study according to the Huston Chronicle, “600 normal weight patients aged 25-64” were monitored. A follow up approximately 8 years later revealed some interesting facts:

  • Participants were 65% more likely to be overweight if they consumed one diet soda a day compared to if they drank none
  • Two or more low calorie soft drinks raised the odds of becoming obese or overweight even higher
  • Those who drank soda had a greater risk of becoming over weight that participants who drank regular soda. Of course, we cannot blame weight gain entirely on diet soda, but it certainly is a contributing factor!

Health Concerns Relating to Pop

Consumption of soda has correlated to an increase in the number of patients diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity over the past decade. Drinking two bottles of pop per day can make you gain a pound of fat per week. Just one 20-ounce glass of soda contains the equivalent of 16 teaspoons of sugar which is nearly three times the maximum daily sugar intake. Your body reacts quickly to pop turning the massive amount of sugar found in them into fat. The sugar found in pop is converted into fat far more quickly than other sugars and fats.

Is Pop Addictive?

Many people struggle with an addiction to pop, but it is important to remember that sugar is in fact more addictive then cocaine. Picking up a pop may satisfy your sweet tooth, but you are causing serious harm to your body. The American Heart Association recommends a discretionary calorie limit for added sugars which is no more than 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men. The average pop contains about 120 to 200 calories per serving and has also contributed to the nation’s rising obesity rate.

Child Obesity Linked to Pop

Children and teens who drink pop regularly were more likely to be overweight then those who didn’t. For young people aged 2-18, milk fell from 13.2 percent of total   calories to 8.3 percent, and soda consumption doubled. For each additional daily serving of pop consumed during a two-year study, the risk of obesity jumped by 60 percent.

Obesity is Not The Only Concern

Drinking one soft drink per day increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent. Drinking pop also increases your risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gout
  • Non – alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)


One of the simplest ways to radically improve your health is quit drinking pop.

Pure water is a much better choice, or if you must drink a carbonated beverage, try sparking mineral water with some lime or lemon juice.

We want to help support disease prevention and curb consumption of these drinks that lead to poor health and increased healthcare costs long-term for the average Canadian.

If you have questions about your overall health and wellness, you can call our clinic and speak to us.

-The M&Y Team

Millions of people rely on their early morning cup of coffee to provide them with the jolt they need to start their day!

The effects from coffee on the body depend on many factors. Age, body size, weight and diet should be considered when talking about the effects of caffeine found in coffee. Caffeine can increase the heart rate, increase body temperature, increase breathing rate, and blood pressure. Coffee has been proven to reduce fertility in women by up to 50% if they are drinking more than one cup per day. Caffeine is a stimulant; it can cause headaches, induce irritability, and nervousness.

Is Caffeine Bad for Children?

Since the nervous system and the brain continue to develop during childhood, children may be more sensitive to adverse effects from caffeine. Coffee causes a significant loss of nutrients, especially magnesium, potassium, calcium, B vitamins and interferes with ion absorption.

What is Caffeine? 

Because it is commonly found in our everyday lives, a lot of people don’t even realize that caffeine is a drug. Most of you know that there is caffeine in coffee. Did you know that tea, colas, chocolate, stay awake pills, some diet aides and some headache and cold medicines also contain caffeine?

It is a known stimulant, which means that it can wake you up or give you a boost of energy. However, it affects different people in different ways, it depends how much you take. Large amounts can harm your stomach or make you tired or restless. Even small amounts can make you nervous, sleepy or sick.

It is addictive, so in time your body can become dependent on it. If choosing a healthy lifestyle is important to you, you may want to consider limiting your caffeine intake. Drinking coffee is related to a 50% higher risk of heart attacks. It increases the secretion of stomach acid by up to 400%, leading to ulcers. Coffee can also increase the risk of bladder cancer by 250%. Simply having one cup can increase the risk of having a miscarriage.

If you have questions about your overall health and wellness, you can call our clinic and speak to us.

-The M&Y Team