Is Your Daily Cup of Coffee Bad for Your Health?


Millions of people rely on their early morning cup of coffee to provide them with the jolt they need to start their day!

The effects from coffee on the body depend on many factors. Age, body size, weight and diet should be considered when talking about the effects of caffeine found in coffee. Caffeine can increase the heart rate, increase body temperature, increase breathing rate, and blood pressure. Coffee has been proven to reduce fertility in women by up to 50% if they are drinking more than one cup per day. Caffeine is a stimulant; it can cause headaches, induce irritability, and nervousness.

Is Caffeine Bad for Children?

Since the nervous system and the brain continue to develop during childhood, children may be more sensitive to adverse effects from caffeine. Coffee causes a significant loss of nutrients, especially magnesium, potassium, calcium, B vitamins and interferes with ion absorption.

What is Caffeine? 

Because it is commonly found in our everyday lives, a lot of people don’t even realize that caffeine is a drug. Most of you know that there is caffeine in coffee. Did you know that tea, colas, chocolate, stay awake pills, some diet aides and some headache and cold medicines also contain caffeine?

It is a known stimulant, which means that it can wake you up or give you a boost of energy. However, it affects different people in different ways, it depends how much you take. Large amounts can harm your stomach or make you tired or restless. Even small amounts can make you nervous, sleepy or sick.

It is addictive, so in time your body can become dependent on it. If choosing a healthy lifestyle is important to you, you may want to consider limiting your caffeine intake. Drinking coffee is related to a 50% higher risk of heart attacks. It increases the secretion of stomach acid by up to 400%, leading to ulcers. Coffee can also increase the risk of bladder cancer by 250%. Simply having one cup can increase the risk of having a miscarriage.

If you have questions about your overall health and wellness, you can call our clinic and speak to us.

-The M&Y Team