Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and the Overuse of Medications


Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (commonly known as GERD) has been linked to the overuse of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers. The Journal of the American Medical Association has recently published studies showing unfavorable side effects from long term use of these medications such as Losec, Omeprazole, Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid and Tagamet.

There is growing concern also among well respected Physicians and Scientists regarding the overuse of these medications. The concern is rooted in studies showing a connection between long term use of these medications and Dementia, Kidney disease, Osteoporosis and unfavorable intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

We need stomach acid in our stomach to properly break down food so that we can absorb needed nutrients that support our organs, brain and bones. These medications shut down acid production in our stomach. It makes sense that down stream over time our bodies will take the hit.

Are There Alternatives to These Medications?

Yes, there are alternatives to these medications. I have witnessed many patients who are able to stop taking PPI’s or H2 blockers and successfully treat their GERD or Heartburn.

 How Can You Avoid These Medications?

  1. See a Doctor First

Properly assess what is happening in your digestive tract. Your GERD/ Heartburn could be due to a structural condition (ie, hiatal hernia) that could be adjusted using many different techniques. I personally see a lot of success using a palpation technique I can perform on my patients and teach them to do. It is less likely that it is due to an actual over production of acid and this can also be assessed by a Naturopath.

  1. Alter Your Diet

Avoid foods that could be triggering the immune system to create the problem. The foods I see most often cause heart burn in order of importance are gluten, other grains, dairy, night shades and caffeine.

  1. Use Healthy Supplements

Use a supplement such as DGL to coat the lining of the digestive tract and address the uncomfortable burning.

  1. Enzymes

Take enzymes to help your stomach break down difficult foods that cause the symptoms.

  1. Probiotics

Take a probiotic to help balance any microbial imbalance that could be causing the issue.

There are many things to consider, such as H. Pylori infection, when looking at the causes and treatments. I recommend finding a licensed Naturopath to help you thoroughly look at your personal condition. If you are willing to do the work, stay committed and make the necessary changes, over time it is relatively easy to address your symptoms without medication. The many benefits of proper digestion far outweigh any difficulty in lifestyle modifications. There are benefits you experience by addressing the Heartburn/ GERD condition you may not be aware of such as:

  • Increased energy
  • Decreased joint and muscle pain
  • Decreased shortness of breath
  • Reduced bloating and gas
  • Better sleep
  • Less anxiety
  • Weight loss

The overuse of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers can be avoided. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or come in to see our Chiropractor Dr. Darren Poncelet.